

Under 'Contemplations' contemplative publications are published.

Author Series Title Language Index
Arvindus Contemplations Six Million Jews English 202501131
Arvindus Contemplations The Antichrist as Lucifer, Satan and Hades English 202501061
Arvindus Contemplations 'Erwin' English 202406262
Arvindus Contemplations Forms of 'Being' with Heidegger, Nisargadatta, Bailey and Blavatsky English 202406121
Arvindus Contemplations The Lucis Trust Logo English 202402021
Arvindus Contemplations Choice Chains Chance to Change English 202401191
Arvindus Contemplations Choice, Karma and the Causal Body English 202312251
Arvindus Contemplations (Spiritual) Fascism English 202312121
Arvindus Contemplations The Peace Symbol and the Rainbow Flag English 202311291
Arvindus Contemplations The Christ and the Antichrist English 202311081
Arvindus Contemplations Etymosophy as Shabda Yoga English 202310031
Arvindus Contemplations Samādhi and Contemplation English 202308071
Arvindus Contemplations Meditation, Study, Service and Contemplation English 202307301
Arvindus Contemplations 'Philosophy' and 'Philology' English 202304092
Arvindus Contemplations Hijraism English 202304082
Arvindus Contemplations High Giftedness and High Sensitivity English 202303302
Arvindus Contemplations Wokeism English 202303202
Arvindus Contemplations 'I Am', 'I Am That' and 'I Am That I Am' in Academic Philosophy English 202302231
Arvindus Contemplations 'I Am Tat I Am' English 202302211
Arvindus Contemplations A Modest Exploration of 'I Am', 'I Am That' and 'I Am That I Am' English 202302191
Arvindus Contemplations ''Case Closed'' Supplemented English 202301161
Arvindus Contemplations 'Case Closed' English 202301071
Arvindus Contemplations Thirteen (13) English 202212041
Arvindus Contemplations Life Experience as Phenomenon English 202207132
Arvindus Contemplations Complexity and Simplicity English 202207121
Arvindus Contemplations Sexual Completion (The Love Child) English 202206261
Arvindus Contemplations Following, Going and Leading the Way English 202206082
Arvindus Contemplations Notations of 'Telepathy' English 202204261
Arvindus Contemplations Mayil Hieroglyphica English 202112302
Arvindus Contemplations Language Layers English 202111181
Arvindus Contemplations Generalities and Particularities in Plato's and Bailey's Philosophies English 202110301
Arvindus Contemplations The Superman (and Transhumanism) English 202110241
Arvindus Contemplations The Psychic Orgasm English 202107051
Arvindus Contemplations Considerations on Tantra English 202107011
Arvindus Contemplations An Etymosophy of 'Hierarchy' (and 'Hierarch') English 202106261
Arvindus Contemplations An Esoteric Interpretation of The Great Reset English 202105011
Arvindus Contemplations 'Ψ' English 202104131
Arvindus Contemplations Psi English 202103171
Arvindus Contemplations (Etymo)logy and (Etymo)sophy and Past and Future English 202103042
Arvindus Contemplations Freedom (and Love) English 202102021
Arvindus Contemplations (Etymo)logy and (Etymo)sophy Summarized English 202101141
Arvindus Contemplations An Additional Etymosophy of 'Contemplation' English 202009221
Arvindus Contemplations An Etymosophy of 'Aryan' English 202009011
Arvindus Contemplations Human Evolution and the Planes English 202008091
Arvindus Contemplations A Lord of Choice English 202007251
Arvindus Contemplations Spiritualness, Spirituality and Hegelianism English 202007112
Arvindus Contemplations Etymosophic Considerations on 'Spirituality' English 202007041
Arvindus Contemplations The Black-White Opposition English 202007022
Arvindus Contemplations Afro-Subjectivity English 202006212
Arvindus Contemplations Anarchy as the Anti-Christ English 202006161
Arvindus Contemplations The Wisent and the Buffalo, A Short Fable about the Afro-Euro-American Relation English 202006132
Arvindus Contemplations Trisport English 202004252
Arvindus Contemplations The Truest Philosopher English 202003301
Arvindus Contemplations True Philosophy English 202003291
Arvindus Contemplations Love in the Corona Crisis English 202003272
Arvindus Contemplations The New Time and the Corona Virus English 202003252
Arvindus Contemplations An Esoteric View on the Corona Virus English 202002281
Arvindus Contemplations An Occult Interpretation of Voltage, Current, Resistance, Power and Energy English 202002072
Arvindus Contemplations An Elucidation of 'Live and Let Live' English 202001152
Arvindus Contemplations 'Live and Let Live' English 202001112
Arvindus Contemplations Present, Presentation and Representation English 202001031
Arvindus Contemplations Subjectivity with Teachers English 201912192
Arvindus Contemplations Human Types in Discussion English 201912122
Arvindus Contemplations Psychic and Physical Stagnation and Change English 201910212
Arvindus Contemplations Eccentricity, Extroversion, Intrinsicity, Introversion English 201910141
Arvindus Contemplations Depression English 201909171
Arvindus Contemplations The Evolution of Service English 201908223
Arvindus Contemplations The Niqab, the Burqa and Levinas English 201908122
Arvindus Contemplations Transsexualism and Transgenderism English 201907302
Arvindus Contemplations Sex and Love English 201906192
Arvindus Contemplations Euthanasia (and New Age Thought) English 201906152
Arvindus Contemplations Organization (and Organision) English 201812301
Arvindus Contemplations Centralisation, Decentralisation and Elevation English 201811101
Arvindus Contemplations The Visionary Artistic Eye Perspective English 201708081
Arvindus Contemplations The Artistic Eye Perspective English 201708061
Arvindus Contemplations Dealing with Relativism English 201707261
Arvindus Contemplations Divine Intervention (and Blessing) English 201707011
Arvindus Contemplations Fate and Accidence Reflected in Choice English 201706231
Arvindus Contemplations Show Goodwill English 201706012
Arvindus Contemplations The Triangle of Choice English 201705151
Arvindus Contemplations The Quadrants and Karma English 201705051
Arvindus Contemplations The Quadrants of the Cross in the Circle and the Cycle of Manifestation and Obscuration English 201705031
Arvindus Contemplations Choice as Subject of the Beta Sciences English 201704282
Arvindus Contemplations Materialism in the Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Sciences English 201704162
Arvindus Contemplations A Classification of Academic Philosophers English 201702172
Arvindus Contemplations Egocentrism: Egoism, Narcissism and Egotism English 201701132
Arvindus Contemplations Supra-Individual Karma English 201609271
Arvindus Contemplations The Karmic Spiral English 201609122
Arvindus Contemplations The Exemption Class English 201609052
Arvindus Contemplations Karma and Dharma and Choice and Fate English 201608291
Arvindus Contemplations Self-Reflexivity English 201608222
Arvindus Contemplations Choice and Karma English 201607111
Arvindus Contemplations Etymology and Etymosophy Elaborated English 201602271
Arvindus Contemplations Donation English 201601281
Arvindus Contemplations An Exploration of Hope (and Optimism) English 201511181
Arvindus Contemplations Accidence, Choice and Destiny as a Ninefold English 201510162
Arvindus Contemplations The Cross in the Circle: Consciousness and Duality English 201510131
Arvindus Contemplations Nazi Analogies English 201509081
Arvindus Contemplations Consciousness and the Threads: A Short Sketch with Drawings English 201509042
Arvindus Contemplations The difference between a Heideggerian mysticism and the mystical in Heidegger's thought English 201508312
Arvindus Contemplations Sleep and Death: A Short Sketch with Drawings English 201508162
Arvindus Contemplations Naturality, Normality and Morality English 201508101
Arvindus Contemplations Competitive and Cooperative Communication English 201508031
Arvindus Contemplations Subjectivity, Objectivity and Conjectivity English 201507281
Arvindus Contemplations On the Passivity of the Unemployed English 201507132
Arvindus Contemplations 'Sister' and 'Brother' English 201502241
Arvindus Contemplations An Etymosophy of 'Father' and 'Mother' English 201501261
Arvindus Contemplations Digital Piracy and Ethics English 201410011
Arvindus Contemplations The Relations of Classes English 201409202
Arvindus Contemplations The Exodus of the Spiritual Class English 201409061
Arvindus Contemplations Politics, Law and Economics as Exoteric Reflections English 201409011
Arvindus Contemplations An Interpretation of the Bhagavadgītā, Chapter IV, Śloka 18 English 201407251
Arvindus Contemplations Exoteric Classes and Esoteric Divisions of Humanity English 201406281
Arvindus Contemplations Heidegger's Thought Symbolized English 201404182
Arvindus Contemplations Jatamansi in Agni Yoga English 201402181
Arvindus Contemplations An Etymology of 'Nardostachys jatamansi' English 201402112
Arvindus Contemplations Destiny, Choice and Accidence Contextualized in the Ageless Wisdom English 201309091
Arvindus Contemplations 'Is there Life after Death?' English 201308312
Arvindus Contemplations An Esoteric Interpretation of Rembrandt's Philosopher in Meditation English 201307081
Arvindus Contemplations Accidence, Self-Determination and Destiny English 201306221
Arvindus Contemplations Fear of Horses: A Perspective from the Ageless Wisdom Teachings English 201210281
Arvindus Contemplations Person Perspectives English 201205091
Arvindus Contemplations Solutions to Problems of Ownership and Possession English 201204101
Arvindus Contemplations A Setup for a Metaphysicratic Manifest English 201204032
Arvindus Contemplations Crisis: Etymological Considerations English 201203251
Arvindus Contemplations An Etymological Anthropology English 201203081
Arvindus Contemplations Impulsiveness and Spontaneity English 201201191
Arvindus Contemplations Economics, Politics, Ethics, Metaphysics English 201111041
Arvindus Contemplations The Spiral of Realization English 201109261
Arvindus Contemplations An Elucidated Etymology of 'Contemplation' English 201107281
Arvindus Contemplations The Problem of Self-Determination English 201107261
Arvindus Contemplations The Fractalness of 'Aum Tat Sat' English 201107191
Arvindus Contemplations Inter-Wedlock as Touchstone for and Path to Acceptance English 201107081
Arvindus Contemplations Considerations on Time English 201104141
Arvindus Contemplations An Answer to the 'the Chicken or the Egg' Question English 201103311
Arvindus Contemplations Etymological and Esoteric Roots of 'Arch', 'Arc' and 'Ark' English 201103261
Arvindus Contemplations A Small Sketch of the History of Western Spiritualistic and Materialistic Orientations English 201103091
Arvindus Contemplations The Absolute Absolute English 201012051
Arvindus Contemplations Contemporary Democratic Politics: A Theatre English 201011071
Arvindus Contemplations Being and Change: Implications of Heidegger's Thought English 201010201
Arvindus Contemplations A Logical Refutation of the Capitalistic Slogan English 201006051
Arvindus Contemplations A Fable on Capitalism: The Mouse and the Rat English 201005051
Arvindus Contemplations Reduction (and Pseudo-Reduction) English 201004221
Arvindus Contemplations Sex: Human Reproduction, Mystic Enlightenment and Cosmic Creation English 201003081
Arvindus Contemplations Bhakti, Jñāna, Romance, Sex English 201002051
Arvindus Contemplations Sex, Romance and Love: Types of Attraction English 201001181
Arvindus Contemplations Sex: Unity Cut into Duality English 201001091
Arvindus Contemplations The Normalis-Syndrome English 200707112
Arvindus Contemplations Spirituality, Ethics and Sense Giving English 200206122