

The Exodus of the Spiritual Class

  • Title: Contemplations, The Exodus of the Spiritual Class.
  • Author: Arvindus.
  • Publisher: Arvindus.
  • Copyright: Arvindus, 2014, all rights reserved.
  • Index: 201409061.
  • Edition: html, first edition.


In 'Exoteric Classes and Esoteric Divisions of Humanity' were the four Hinduistic classes of Brahmins (priests), kṣatriyas (rulers), vaiśyas (craftsmen) and śūdras (workers) contemplated as exoteric reflections of the four esoteric divisions of physical, emotional, mental and soul polarized humans.1 More refined esoteric human divisions, complementary to the aforementioned, were given in 'Ageless Wisdom, Classifications of Humanity'.2

That esoteric divisions reflect in exoteric classes means that someone's class may indicate his place in human evolution. Not many physical polarized humans for instance will be found in the ruling class because they simply lack as yet the mental and intellectual development which is so important to function properly in this class. And mental polarized humans will even when born in lower classes often still find their way into the ruling class due to their mental capacities.

Nevertheless should the class distinctions not be taken too strictly for there are also many crossovers. A soul polarized human may by accident, choice or destiny3, 4 find himself in one of the classes of rulers, craftsmen or workers. A good example here is the life of Alice A. Bailey (1880-1949) who in different periods of her life could find herself categorized within the class of rulers, that of workers and that of priests.5 Also physical, emotional and mental polarized humans may find themselves in other, non-corresponding, classes. The well documented abuses by priests and bishops in the Catholic Church for instance show clearly that not all belonging to the class of priests are soul polarized humans, which would then after all have eradicated all those evils they committed.

Now it shall be obvious that it is easier to step down the class ladder than up. A soul polarized human is mentally well equipped, emotionally rounded off, and although his physical body will be refined due to the inflow of soul energy will he still be able to do physical work. A physical or emotional polarized human however will find it difficult to function on mental levels, let it be on soul levels, and will find it difficult to function in higher classes (although some may succeed in gaining a higher position by interference of those in charge of dealing out official positions). The ease of stepping down and the difficulty of stepping up will consequently cause more crossovers in lower classes than in higher classes. What also will play a role is the number of humans of a certain polarization in incarnation and the number of class positions available in societies. It may however also be presumed that the number of class positions will increase with the increase of incarnations of humans that are polarized on a certain plane. At this moment the bulk of humanity is emotional (or astral) polarized,6 and this is indeed in line with craftsmanship being presently the (numeral) dominant class.

Humans with the polarization that are the least in number in our times (and throughout history) are the soul polarized humans. This combined with an increase of positions in the class of priests during the middle ages where religions abundantly flourished must have led many, mostly mental polarized, humans to fulfill the created vacancies. This taking position in the class of priests by unready (because not soul polarized) humans then can be seen as a cause of the many abuses and perversions that have taken place within that class. Abuses taking place in this class are probably the best documented in the Catholic Church of the West although they can be found in all religions in all regions. In the West these abuses (sexual, financial as well as political) not only led to reformations such as that of Martin Luther (1483-1546) in the middle ages but eventually also contributed to the secularization of the Western world since modern times. Under influence of Western philosophers such as René Descartes (1596-1650) and scientists was reality increasingly sought out in the nature of matter and was eventually the spiritual realm crossed out and considered as non-existent.7

Now with the crossing out of the spiritual realm and the consequent secularization of society was also the class of priests crossed out. It were these developments that led Karl Marx (1818-1883) for instance to his twofold class distinction of the bourgeoisie (rulers) and the proletariat (workers) where the class of priests was absorbed into that of the rulers. This abolishment of the class of priests of course must have led to consequences for soul polarized humans. These have not been able to take class positions befitting their evolutionary stature and an exodus into other classes must have been the result.

Where they have found a place within the ruling class the results must have been benevolent for the rule of societies. Soul polarized humans have a well developed mental equipment, making them suited for ruling positions, and their soul polarization only adds to proper and ethic decision making. Their inflow in the classes of craftsmen and workers shall not have been without effect either. These classes must have undergone a great stimulation due to the soul influence that was brought in. It is quite likely that this has contributed to for instance the emancipation of laborers through labor movements and unions, something not present before the abolishment of the class of priests. In analogy with spiritual beings taking incarnation in a physical body to spiritualize matter can this exodus of soul polarized humans into lower classes be seen as a sacrifice.8 Giving up their high place in the class of priests they came down for the upheaval of the classes of craftsmen and workers.

Although a number of them shall work out their sacrifice as mentioned shall also a number of them be found working at leaving their unfitting class by recreating a new class of priests. This we see indeed happening at the present dawning of the new age.9 Working, sometimes under a denomination but often not, a new class of spiritual workers is arising like a phoenix from its ashes. Without being acknowledged yet by society they must find a balance in working in their unfitting class and in their befitting new class. Some already see themselves acknowledged as such but many still struggle.

May thus the exodus of the spiritual class lead it to its promised land.
