The ageless wisdom such as given by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891), Alice Ann Bailey (1880-1949), Helena Ivanovna Roerich (1879-1955) and Benjamin Creme (1922) has itself the hierarchy as its inner source.1, 2 This hierarchy regards a "group of spiritual beings on the inner planes of the solar system who are the intelligent forces of nature, and who control the evolutionary processes."3 Thereby is a distinction made between the solar hierarchy and the planetary hierarchy.4 In this contemplation shall the constitutions of both be taken in consideration. This shall be done concise and not extensively. The goal is to give a general overview. It must also be taken in account that the to be sketched positions are continuously shifting (the lower on the hierarchical ladder the faster the changes taking place). Thus this sketch of the hierarchy must be taken as a momentous overview.
The solar hierarchy can be considered as that group of beings working within the boundaries of the solar system but beyond the boundaries of a particular planetary system. Through the Law of Analogy and through the mentioning in the ageless wisdom of extra-solar beings a cosmic hierarchy can be induced too, however due to lack of information this one shall not be taken in consideration in this contemplation. So under this paragraph we are considering the solar hierarchy.
At the head of this solar hierarchy can be depicted the solar Logos.5, 6 This solar Logos is also referred to with terms such as 'Grand Heavenly Man',7 '(solar) Deity'8 or simply 'God'.9 This Being is the indweller of the solar system as man is the indweller of his body.10 It is the plan of the solar Logos that is imposed upon all who are working within His sphere (like His plan itself is part of still a greater cosmic plan).11
This solar Logos works through three great beings that are known as 'God the Father', 'God the Son' and 'God the Holy Ghost'.12 Although being three in number They work together as one Identity as the solar Trinity.13 These three, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, are in this order (for real or as symbol) also known as the first Logos, second Logos and third Logos, as 'Mahadeva', 'Vishnu' and 'Brahma', as will, love-wisdom and active intelligence, as spirit, consciousness and matter, as electric fire, solar fire and fire by friction and as the central spiritual sun, the heart of the sun and the physical sun.14, 15, 16 They relate in the given order the energies of the Great Bear, Sirius and the Pleiades to the Sun, Venus and Mercury, and Saturn.
Above certain planets were mentioned as recipients of energies from the solar Trinity. Now as the solar system is the body of expression for the solar Logos so are the planets in our solar system bodies of expression for planetary Logoi.17 Now although there are ten or twelve of these Logoi in manifestation in our solar system there are seven of these of special importance because they are regarded as the builders of the solar system.18, 19 Thus They are called 'sacred' in contrast with the Others Which are considered as non-sacred. These seven are in the secret wisdom teaching also known as 'the seven Spirits before the throne', 'the seven Kumaras', 'the seven solar Deities', 'the primordial Seven', 'the seven Builders', 'the seven intellectual Breaths', 'the seven Manus', 'the Flames', 'Lords of Love, Knowledge and Sacrifice',20 or simply as 'the seven rays'.21 Three of these seven work directly under the solar Trinity. These three are known as 'the aspect rays' whereas the other four are known as 'the attribute rays'.22 The aspect rays regard the first ray, the second ray and the third ray, or in this order as the ray of will or power, the ray of love-wisdom and the ray of active intelligence or adaptability.23 These work in that order through Vulcan, Jupiter and Saturn.24 The rays of attribute work under the third ray25 and are known as the fourth, the fifth, the sixth and the seventh ray, or in that order as the ray of harmony, beauty, art or unity, the ray of concrete knowledge or science, the ray of abstract idealism or devotion and the ray of ceremonial magic or law.26 Their planets regard in that order Mercury, Venus, Neptune and Uranus.27 All these rays or ray Lords are also directly in contact with the solar Trinity.28
The solar hierarchy was in the previous paragraph left with the mentioning of the seven ray Lords as indwellers of the seven sacred planets of our solar system. It are however not only the sacred planets that are the bodies of expression for Logoi; the non-sacred planets have Logoi as indwellers too. However where the planetary Logoi of sacred planets have taken five cosmic initiations there have the planetary Logoi of non-sacred planets taken only three.29 And this latter is applicable to Earth, being one of the non-sacred planets of our solar system. The earth is the body of expression of the planetary Logos Who stands at the top of our planetary hierarchy.30 Names that in the ageless wisdom are given to this planetary Logos are 'Lord of the World', 'the Ancient of Days', 'Sanat Kumara', 'Melchizedek', 'the One Initiator', 'the Youth of Endless Summers', 'the Fountainhead of the Will', 'the One in Whom we move and live and have our being', 'the Light of the World', 'the Eternal Youth' and 'the God of Love'.31, 32, 33, 34
Working on the one hand under the three aspect rays of the solar hierarchy works Sanat Kumara on the other hand very closely together with the three directly under Him placed Buddha's of activity35 or Pratyeka Buddha's.36 These Buddha's correspond on Earth with the three beings of the solar Trinity.37 They Themselves were planetary Logoi in the previous solar system, however with these Buddha's being conditioned by the Law of Sacrifice has Sanat Kumara moved a step ahead of Them.38 They are all three receptive of the energy of the second aspect of the solar Trinity (being the Son) and of the energies of the Lord of the fifth ray and Lord of the seventh ray (plus of course of those of Sanat Kumara with Whom They work closely together).39 Together with Sanat Kumara form the Buddha's of activity the council in Shamballa,40 which regards a centre in etheric matter in the Gobi desert where the planetary hierarchy basically resides.41
Under this council of Shamballa and these Buddha's of activity work the Nirmanakaya's or divine Contemplatives.42 Among Them are certain Members Who are identified with the seven ray Lords, and thus it is (somewhat confusingly) also said that the Buddha's of activity work through the Lords of the seven rays.43 These Lords of reference are in such cases however not the Logoi of the sacred planets of our solar system but certain Nirmanakaya's (or Masters) within the Earth scheme Who have taken the sixth initiation.44 These seven are, due to Their identification with the sacred planetary Logoi, also known as 'the seven Spirits before the Throne (of God)' and are part of the council of Shamballa.45
Under these Nirmanakaya's or seven ray reflections are found three departments, namely that of the will aspect, that of the love-wisdom aspect and that of the intelligence aspect.46 At the head of the department of the will aspect stands the Manu. This is a function that is during the present fifth root-race fulfilled by Vaivasvata Manu.47 He is the proto-type of the present root-race and develops it. He works together with the second and last Manu of the fourth root-race Whose task it is to develop the remainder of this previous root-race and bring about its disappearance.48 Besides developing race-types He is as head of the department of the will aspect also concerned with planetary government and politics. He works out the will and purpose of Sanat Kumara.49 Besides having a link with the Nirmanakaya's He is also receptive for energies from the three Buddha's of activity and of the planetary Logos of the first ray.50
At the head of the department of the love-wisdom aspect stands the Bodhisattva, also known as 'the Christ', 'the World Teacher', 'Lord Maitreya', 'the Master of Masters', 'the Lord of Love and of Compassion', 'the Instructor of Angels' and 'the Teacher of angels and of men'.51, 52, 53, 54 Being the head of the department of the love-wisdom aspect He embodies love, and as such He works closely together with the Buddha Who embodies wisdom.55, 56 It can also be said that where the Christ works for the development of consciousness the buddha works for the spreading of light.57 This task of the Buddha will come to an end when humanity has developed the wisdom aspect to a certain extent, and this moment is already in sight.58 The Christ in function will when this happens handle both aspects.59 Where the department of the Manu is that of government regards the department of the Christ that of religion, and His task is thus too to develop the religions of the world.60 This department is receptive for the energies of Sanat Kumara (through the Buddha), the fourth ray Lord and the sixth ray Lord.61, 62 (Perhaps there is a direct receptivity for the second ray Lord too, but this is not found explicated in the ageless wisdom. There Sanat Kumara is posited as mediating).
At the head of the department of the intelligence aspect stands the Mahachohan or Lord of Civilisation.63 Under His responsibilities falls the development of the social and financial order.64 The Mahachohan is receptive of energies from the third, the fourth, the fifth, the sixth and the seventh ray Lord, and also from those coming from the three Buddha's of activity.65
Under the three departments of the Manu, the Christ and the Mahachohan are placed seven major ashrams, each led by a Chohan.66 (A Chohan is a Master Who has taken the sixth initiation).67 Under these then are placed forty-two or forty-nine minor ashrams,68, 69 led by Masters or Adepts (Those Who have taken at least the fifth initiation).70 All the ashrams are on one of the seven rays71 and the totality of these ashrams is still in process of forming.72 Also the internal personnel is constantly changing,73 making an accurate and to the point overview difficult. However some ashrams, Chohans and Masters can be mentioned. This will not be done however in great detail.
The First here to mention is the Chohan Jupiter. As a Chohan of the first ray74 He works under the department of the Manu, is regarded as the oldest among the Masters (working in a physical body) and is the regent for India.75 He is directly receptive of the energy of the Manu.
On the same level of the hierarchy, being receptive of the energies of the Manu, the Christ and the Mahachohan, is under the department of Christ a not specified European Master (probably Chohan) placed.76
A level below these two is the First to mention the Chohan Morya, Who is a Chohan of the first ray. He is receptive of the energies of the Chohan Jupiter and the European Master (and very likely too of that of the Manu and the Christ).77 He is planned to take the position of the Manu of the sixth root-race.78 At the moment He works as inspirer of esoteric and occult organisations and of politicians.79
The Chohan Morya works in close cooperation with Koot Hoomi, Who is a Chohan on the second ray.80, 81 He is receptive of the energy of the European Master, but also of the Manu, the Mahachohan and almost certainly also of the Christ,82 for He is intended to fulfil the function of the Christ in the future.83 He works as inspirer for philosophy, philanthropy and brotherhood, and works for the development of love in the hearts of men.84
The Chohan Koot Hoomi works together with the Master, (most likely a Chohan)85 Who is mentioned as 'the Venetian Master'.86 He is on the third ray and is receptive for the energies of the Christ and the Mahachohan.
Under the Venetian Master on the third ray are placed certain Masters on the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh ray.87 On the fourth ray is the Master Serapis (also named 'the Egyptian') mentioned.88 He is an inspirer of art movements. He is receptive of energies from the Christ and the aforementioned Chohan or Master of the third ray.
On the fifth ray is the Master Hilarion, working under the Manu and the Venetian Master on the third ray.89 He is an inspirer for psychic development90 and of science in general.91
Well known on the sixth ray is the Master Jesus, working under the Christ and the Venetian Master on the third ray.92 During His life in Palestine He was not yet a Master but was overshadowed by the Christ.93 It was only in a next life that He took the firth initiation, becoming a Master.94 He is a major inspirer of Christianity and Western thought.95
On the seventh ray is the Master Rakoczi,96 in new age circles perhaps better known as the Master Saint Germain.97 He is depicted as working under the Venetian Master and the Chohan Koot Hoomi but is also mentioned to work under the Manu as regent over Europe and America (like the Chohan Jupiter works as the regent over India).98 He is also mentioned to have lately taken the position of the Mahachohan.99, 100, 101
The Master Djwhal Khul, or 'the Tibetan Master',102 is on the second ray and has only recently (1875) taken the initiation into Masterhood.103 He is receptive of energies of the Master Morya, the Master Koot Hoomi, the Venetian Master, but also of those of the Manu, the Mahachohan and most likely also the Christ.104
Other mentioned Masters are the Master P., working under the Master Rakoczi, and two English Masters. The first works on the fourth ray inspiring the new age thought in America. Of the latter (at least) one is on the third ray working on economic development.105
Under all the Masters then are placed the initiates, disciples, aspirants and the rest of humanity, making our overview of the hierarchy complete.
The above given overview is sketched in figure 1. Taking this figure and all of the above in view it must be held in consideration that it is a very momentous and incomplete overview.106 There are many more Masters, however of not All is information given out. Also does the personnel of the hierarchy vary in course of time. However as a general sketch of the structure of the hierarchy this overview may serve hopefully well.
"First Pole | The Point of Union | Second Pole |
First Logos | Second Logos | Third Logos. |
Mahadeva | Vishnu | Brahma. |
Will | Wisdom-Love | Active Intelligence. |
Spirit | Consciousness | Matter. |
Father | Son | Mother. |
Monad | Ego | Personality. |
The Self | The relation between | The Not-Self. |
The Knower | Knowledge | The Known. |
Life | Realisation | Form." |
Sacred | Ray | Non-Sacred | Ray |
1. Vulcan | 1st ray. | 1. Mars | 6th ray. |
2. Mercury | 4th ray. | 2. Earth | 3rd ray. |
3. Venus | 5th ray. | 3. Pluto | 1st ray. |
4. Jupiter | 2nd ray. | 4. The Moon | 4th ray. |
5. Saturn | 3rd ray. | veiling a hidden planet. | |
6. Neptune | 6th ray. | 5. The Sun | 2nd ray. |
7. Uranus | 7th ray. | veiling a hidden planet." |
SH: Solar Hierarchy
EH: Earth Hierarchy |
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Figure 1.