There are three types of classes that are often mentioned by demographers. These are the class types of education, of position and of income. In general can each of the aforementioned class types be divided into three classes, namely in that of the upper class, the middle class and the lower class. In the education classes regard the individuals in the upper class the higher educated, in the middle class the middle educated and in the lower class the lower educated. In the position classes regard the individuals in the upper class those that are active in leading positions, in the middle class those that are active as craftsmen and in the lower class those that are active as labourers or workers. In the income classes regard the individuals in the upper class those with a higher income, in the middle class those with a modal income and in the lower class those with a lower income. The aforementioned classes and class types form the core of society.
In all three class types can however also a forth class be discerned, namely that of the outer class. This can be placed beneath the lower class. In the class type of education this regards an uneducated class, in that of position an unpositioned or unemployed class and in that of income an incomeless class. 'Incomeless' means here that they don't have an independent income and are thus dependent on the alms of society. In every of these class types is this class named 'outer class' because individuals from this class are in a way standing outside society, or at least outside the core of it. They are uneducated, unemployed and incomeless.
It shall be clear that from the three class types the upper classes are related to each other, the middle classes to each other, the lower classes to each other and the outer classes to each other. The higher educated have mostly leading positions and have mostly a higher income. The middle educated are mostly craftsmen with modal incomes. The lower educated are mostly labourers with lower incomes. And the uneducated are often unemployed and with that incomeless. It must however be clear that these relations which the aforementioned classes have with each other regard correlation and not causality. That there exists a correlation between for instance the upper classes of the three mentioned class types means that statistically more higher educated individuals have leading positions than other positions and that they statistically more often have a higher income than another income. This goes mutatis mutandis also for the middle classes, the lower classes and the outer classes. This correlation is however not causality. When causality would here be the case then every higher educated would have a leading position and enjoy a higher income. And this would mutatis mutandis also go for every individual from the middle classes, the lower classes and the outer classes. This is however not the case. A simple counterexample can show this. Even someone who is placed in the outer class of the uneducated, the unemployed and the incomeless can win a lottery and suddenly regarding income, living off his interest, start to belong to the upper class. This is a theoretical example, but in practise most of us do know counterexamples of individuals that not in all class types belong to the same class. It is for instance not uncommon to come across higher, middle or lower educated unemployed individuals. The relations between the class levels in class types are thus correlative and not causal.
That the relations between class levels in class types are correlative and not causal is important to take in consideration when we are going to add the two class types of social classes and psychic classes. As also in the earlier mentioned class types we can in these new mentioned classes discern four levels. In the social classes we see for instance how every class has its own forms and norms of contact. Arbitrarily it can be said for instance that in the upper class objective correctness of contact is the norm, that the middle class directs itself socially to acting 'normal' in contact and that in the lower class subjective loyalty to each other is the norm. In the outer class we mostly find the anti-socials who behave unadapted to any class.
So it is important to remember in considering the social classes that the relation of the upper class in this class type with the upper classes in other class types is correlative by nature instead of causal. And this is probably even more important in the consideration of the psychic classes. For also in a psychic typifying can different classes be discerned. The individuals from the upper class of the psychic class type we know as the high intelligent, those from the middle class as the moderate intelligent and those from the lower class as the low intelligent. In the outer class we find many individuals with psychic deficiencies. That especially with the consideration of this class type it is so important to remember correlative instead of causal relations with class levels from other class types is because it is very tempting to relate the class levels of the psychic class type causally to the class levels of the other class types. It is tempting to assert that a high intelligence is causally related to a high education. However the counterexample of examination fraud shows that causality also here cannot be maintained.
The remembering of correlation instead of causality with the consideration of the psychic classes knows however still a much more important reason. And that is that still another class level can be added. This class level can be placed above the upper class and be named the 'exemption class'. This exemption class of the psychic class type is characterized by an
exceptional intelligence.
The question may rise how this exemption class in the psychic class type relates to other class types. Do we also there find exemption classes? This is at least up to a certain level the case in the social class type. For there certainly is a social exemption class. The social contact forms and norms shall there be characterized by the notions of brother- and sisterhood and service. Because the numbers of the exceptional intelligent are relatively small is this social class however not much known with demographers. Like psychologists, themselves at their most belonging to the psychic class of the high intelligent (but mostly to the class of the moderate intelligent), have difficulty signifying the exceptional intelligent, so stays the social exemption class vague and unclear for the average demographer. That the exceptional intelligent, small in numbers as they are, however do find each other in brother- and sisterhood is certainly a given.
But how is this with what demographers consider as the core of our society? How do we recover the exceptional intelligent in the class types of education, position and income? Are there exceptional educations, exceptional positions and exceptional incomes to find? The answer to these questions is moderately positive. For an exceptional education is by the exceptional intelligent mostly enjoyed through a deep self-study of subjects that transcend the established educations. Here and there can a (semi-)institutionalised exceptional education be found, however that these will mostly stay outside the radars of the demographers speaks for itself.
From their findings from their exceptional study may the exceptional intelligent also have exceptional positions. These shall then however be positions that are located outside of the spectrum of the usual leading, craftwork and labour positions. Also these positions are by demographers only sporadically noticed.
The income class that corresponds with the psychic class of the exceptional intelligent can also be named 'exceptional'. From their social notions of brother- and sisterhood and service shall mostly on a base of voluntary donation be worked. This makes the exceptional income very variable and falling outside the income classes of higher, modal, lower and incomelesness.
Let us summarize the above information in an overviewable table.
Education | Position | Income | Social | Psychic | |
Exemption class | Self / exceptional educated | Exceptional position | Income from donation | Brother- and sisterhood / service | Exceptional intelligence |
Upper class | Higher educated | Leading position | Higher income | Objective correctness | High intelligence |
Middle class | Middle educated | Craftwork position | Modal income | Normal acting | Moderate intelligence |
Lower class | Lower educated | Labour position | Lower income | Subjective loyalty | Low intelligence |
Outer class | Uneducated | Unemployed | No income / income from alms | Anti-social | Psychic deficiencies |
Figure 1.
In figure 1 we see how in the outer classes uneducatedness, unemployment, incomelessness or income from alms, anti-social contact norms and psychic deficiencies correspond to each other, how in the lower class lower education, labour positions, lower income, subjective loyalty and low intelligence correspond to each other, how in the middle class middle education, craftwork positions, modal income, acting normal and moderate intelligence correspond to each other, how in the upper class higher education, leading positions, higher income, objective correctness and high intelligence correspond to each other and how in the exemption class, self or exceptional education, exceptional positions, income from donations, brother- and sisterhood and service and exceptional intelligence correspond to each other. The contemporary demographic core of society is formed by the class types of education, position and income and by the classes of upper class, middle class and lower class, all this shown by dark accents.
With the above overview it should again be emphasized that the correspondence between the classes of the different class types is correlative and not causal by nature. And this is thus especially important to remember when the exemption class is taken in consideration. For although the exceptional intelligence of individuals may correspond to an exceptional position and an exceptional education it is likely that they also shall be found in other education and position classes. This has among other things to do with the given that the core of society is arranged by and for the upper, middle and lower class. There little place is left for an exemption class. This one escapes their attention easily. This is more the case for the exemption class than for the outer class because the higher understands the lower, but the lower not the higher. Position executors like psychologists and demographers shall from lack of understanding tend to categorise the exemption class as outer class. For what does not belong to the core of society that core itself only sees as outer social, and not as exemptional social.
May then hereby the exemption class, even if not understood, be brought into the picture.