


  • Title: Memories, Memories.
  • Author: Arvindus.
  • Publisher: Arvindus.
  • Copyright: Arvindus, 2020, all rights reserved.
  • Index: 201904002.
  • Edition: html, first edition.
  • Original: Herinneringen, Herinneringen, Index: 201904001.



At the end of 2018 I had reached the age of forty-nine, or seven times seven, years wherewith I thus entered 2019. On 5 March 2019 my mother passed away. And later that year my Shani mahadasha, or great Saturn period, would come to an end. When after the falling away of all cares around my mother things became silent around me, by itself the wish arose within me to look back on my life so far. For much had happened.

Besides that, at the background of my consciousness, there was already for a longer time the idea to once record my life in a sort of autobiography. The determination of the right moment therefor is of course always difficult. For ideally an autobiography is written in full consciousness just before the departure of the autobiographer. I had seen that great disciples like Alice Bailey had not succeeded in coming to a full autobiography due to an early departure. Possibly that their agenda of service also played a role in the not finishing of an autobiography.

Taking under consideration that I had the wish to look back on my life, that the concrete writing down of experiences would be a help in a coping process, that I possibly once wanted to write a life report, that the situation at that time offered space, and that in a later life phase I would possibly not get to it, I decided to write down my backlookings. Keeping the possibility for publication, if needed posthumously, open, experiences were written down in different modules and gathered under the series name 'Memories'.