
Ageless Wisdom


  • Title: Ageless Wisdom, Service.
  • Author: Arvindus.
  • Publisher: Arvindus.
  • Copyright: Arvindus, 2019, all rights reserved.
  • Index: 201908221.
  • Edition: html, first edition.


In the ageless wisdom service is an ever returning theme. Here this concept shall be shortly summarized. For this the so called 'occult method' shall be applied, which encompasses a top-down approach.1

So starting from the top, service can be considered as an imposition by the life that has its incarnation as Aquarius.2, 3 Our earth, coming increasingly under the influence of Aquarius,4, 5 is subjugated to the energies of that constellation. And one of the results is that under that influence the planetary Logos of the earth is ordaining new soul laws. The law of service is such a law. It is the third of the seven laws of the soul or group life,6 having its place among the laws of sacrifice, of magnetic impulse, of repulse, of group progress, of expansive response, and of the lower four.7 The relation of service with Aquarius is beautifully depicted in the symbols of these two. The symbol of Aquarius is the man with a water pot on his shoulders and the symbol of the law of service is the man standing in the form of a cross with a water pot on his head. The (spilling) water pot symbolizes the giving out of the waters of life, the disappeared cross symbolizes the crucifixion of his personal self and the posture of the man symbolizes his attained equilibrium.8

Above it was mentioned that the influence of Aquarius leads to our planetary Logos ordaining the law of service. This means that the influence of Aquarius has its place in the plan of the planetary Logos. This plan is defined as "the production of a subjective synthesis in humanity and of a telepathic interplay which will eventually annihilate time".9 This notion of subjective synthesis in humanity corresponds to the unfolding of the consciousness of the heart as the first step towards group awareness which the influence of Aquarius stimulates.10 So one of the ways in which the influence of Aquarius takes its place in the plan of our planetary Logos for humanity is as the soul law of service.

Here we have arrived at an interesting crossing point where soul and personality meet. On the soul level the law of service is ordained for the personality, but on the personality level the highest stage of service regards the service to the plan, coming above and after service to humanity and service to the personality (enumerated in descending line).11 We have thus arrived at the bridge that connects the plan of service with service to the plan.

Above we can see how service is crossing the bridge between the personality and the soul. This bridge is basically known as the antahkarana (or the antaskarana),12 and it is no wonder that service along with the science of the antahkarana and the science of meditation is mentioned as one of the sciences that will arise in the new age. As such the science of service is a technique of at-one-ment,13 and this science shall have as its subjects; service as a result of soul contact, service as cooperation with the plan, service as a technique of group development and the unfoldment of the sense of service in the future.14

Above the law of service on the level of the soul and the science of service, applied with the technique of service, on the level of the antahkarana were mentioned. Now it can be said that when the law of service and the science of service are both applied this leads on the personality level to the action of service.15 This action of service can also be called 'right action'.16 It is "the spontaneous effect of soul contact".17 What this action will be in concrete shall depend upon one's constitution, but it will always contribute to the working out of the plan.

Here it must be made clear that although service on the personality level is a form of action it does not mean that all action on that level is service. For where the soul impetus lacks there is only activity by the personality.18 It can be said that all service on the personality level is activity but that not all activity there is service. Right action as inspired by the soul, being service, contributes to the working out of the plan while personality activity only contributes to the personality itself.

Therefore in the ageless wisdom with regards to service the emphasis is laid upon soul contact instead of upon activity. When through the science of service by the personality a soul connection has been established, through which one is placed under the law of service, the activity of service will ensue spontaneously.

  1. Alice A. Bailey, Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, in: Twenty-Four Books of Esoteric Philosophy, (CD-ROM, Release 3), Lucis Trust, London / New York, 2001, p. 41. "The occultist ever approaches the subject connected with the evolutionary process from the angle of the whole and then the part, from the periphery to the centre, from the universal to the particular.""
  2. Alice A. Bailey, Esoteric Psychology, Volume II, A Treatise on the Seven Rays, Volume II, in: Twenty-Four Books of Esoteric Philosophy, (CD-ROM, Release 3), Lucis Trust, London / New York, 2001, p. 119. "This law is the imposition upon the planetary rhythm of certain energies and impulses which emanate from that sign of the zodiac into which we are steadily moving.
  3. Ibidem, p. 122. "Humanity is on its way to a right understanding of services; it is becoming responsive to this new law and is learning to react to the steadily imposing will of that great Life who informs the constellation Aquarius, just as our solar Logos informs our solar system and our planetary Logos informs our earth planet."
  4. 'Ageless Wisdom, The New Age', Index: 201405031.
  5. Nota 3.
  6. Esoteric Psychology, Volume II, p. 118. "We come now to the consideration of the third Law of the Soul, which is intended to govern all soul activity. It is the Law of Service."
  7. Ibidem, Ch. II.
  8. Ibidem, p. 118, 120.
  9. Alice A. Bailey, A Treatise on White Magic, in: Twenty-Four Books of Esoteric Philosophy, (CD-ROM, Release 3), Lucis Trust, London / New York, 2001, p. 403. "The plan as at present sensed, and for which the Masters are steadily working, might be defined as follows:—It is the production of a subjective synthesis in humanity and of a telepathic interplay which will eventually annihilate time."
  10. Esoteric Psychology, Volume II, p. 122. "The Law of Service is the expression of the energy of a great Life, who, in cooperation with Him "in Whom we live and move and have our being", is subjecting the human family to certain influences and streams of energy which will eventually do three things:—
    1. Awaken the heart centre in all aspirants and disciples.
    2. Enable emotionally polarised humanity to focus intelligently in the mind.
    3. Transfer the energy of the solar plexus into the heart.
    This unfolding of what we might call "the consciousness of the heart" or the development of true feeling is the first step towards group awareness."
  11. Ibidem, p. 351. "First, there is the service of the personality, selfish and separative, wherein man sacrifices much in the interests of his own desire. Then comes the stage of service of humanity, and, finally, the service of the Plan."
  12. Alice A. Bailey, Esoteric Psychology, Volume I, A Treatise on the Seven Rays, Volume I, in: Twenty-Four Books of Esoteric Philosophy, (CD-ROM, Release 3), Lucis Trust, London / New York, 2001, p. 28. "[…] the antaskarana (the bridge between the personality consciousness and the soul consciousness, A.A.B.)"
  13. Esoteric Psychology, Volume II, p. 118. "It has previously been pointed out that the three great sciences which will come to the fore in the New Age, and which will lead humanity from the unreal to the real, and from aspiration to realisation are
    1. The science of Meditation, the coming science of the mind.
    2. The science of Antaskarana, or the science of the bridging which must take place between higher and lower mind.
    3. The science of Service, which is a definite technique of at-one-ment."
  14. Alice A. Bailey, Education in the New Age, in: Twenty-Four Books of Esoteric Philosophy, (CD-ROM, Release 3), Lucis Trust, London / New York, 2001, p. 153. "III. The Science of Service.
    A. Service as a result of soul contact.
    B. Service as cooperation with the plan.
    C. Service as a technique of group development.
    D. The unfoldment of the sense of service in the future."
  15. Alice A. Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age, Volume II, in: Twenty-Four Books of Esoteric Philosophy, (CD-ROM, Release 3), Lucis Trust, London / New York, 2001, p. 332. "The sharing in the service of the Plan, resulting in action in the three worlds."
  16. Esoteric Psychology, Volume II, p. 118. "First, is the fact that the result of all contact achieved in meditation and the measure of our success, will be determined by the ensuing service to the race. If there is right understanding, there will necessarily be right action."
  17. Ibidem, p. 124-125. "Service can be briefly defined as the spontaneous effect of soul contact. This contact is so definite and fixed that the life of the soul can pour through into the instrument which the soul must perforce use upon the physical plane. It is the manner whereby the nature of that soul can demonstrate in the world of human affairs."
  18. Ibidem, p. 126. "Activity of the form side lays stress upon personality ambition, veiling them with the glamour of service. If care over the essential of service—soul contact—is taken, then the service rendered will flow with spontaneity along the right lines and bear much fruit."
  • 'Ageless Wisdom, The New Age', Index: 201405031.
  • Alice A. Bailey, A Treatise on White Magic, in: Twenty-Four Books of Esoteric Philosophy, (CD-ROM, Release 3), Lucis Trust, London / New York, 2001.
  • Alice A. Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age, Volume II, in: Twenty-Four Books of Esoteric Philosophy, (CD-ROM, Release 3), Lucis Trust, London / New York, 2001.
  • Alice A. Bailey, Education in the New Age, in: Twenty-Four Books of Esoteric Philosophy, (CD-ROM, Release 3), Lucis Trust, London / New York, 2001.
  • Alice A. Bailey, Esoteric Psychology, Volume I, A Treatise on the Seven Rays, Volume I, in: Twenty-Four Books of Esoteric Philosophy, (CD-ROM, Release 3), Lucis Trust, London / New York, 2001.
  • Alice A. Bailey, Esoteric Psychology, Volume II, A Treatise on the Seven Rays, Volume II, in: Twenty-Four Books of Esoteric Philosophy, (CD-ROM, Release 3), Lucis Trust, London / New York, 2001.
  • Alice A. Bailey, Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, in: Twenty-Four Books of Esoteric Philosophy, (CD-ROM, Release 3), Lucis Trust, London / New York, 2001.