A diet can be understood as a way of feeding.1 Spiritual seekers are often quite concerned with their diet, so here some of the thoughts from the ageless wisdom anent this subject shall be explored. Following the occult method we shall start with the general ideas and from there work towards the concrete ones.2
Firstly it must be understood that all ways of feeding take place by the absorption of substances. Such absorptions are necessary to maintain certain coherent and organized forms of substances, and the substances for absorption may be taken from both formless and formed substances.3 Assimilation of pranic substances by humans for instance may take place through absorption of the rather formless pranic emanations of the sun and through absorption of the prana of lower life forms, such as plants and animals,4 this latter taking place under the law of sacrifice.5
Above humans, animals and plants were mentioned, which are three of the five kingdoms of nature. The mineral kingdom and the kingdom of souls complete the five.6 As the situation is now humanity nourishes itself by absorbing substances from all the three lower kingdoms; the minerals, the plants and the animals. In the ancient history of our planetary logos however, in the second round,7 lies hid a secret which is connected to the deva builders of the vegetable kingdom and which ordains the law that humans should feed only on plants, and not on animals and minerals.8, 9, 10
Since those ancient times however much has happened, and one of the occurrences that is of interest to mention here took place at the initial stages of the human kingdom in our present fourth round. In those times, when the human kingdom so to speak segregated from the animal kingdom as the third human root race,11, 12 the animal kingdom was still much more potent than the human kingdom. And consisting also of carnivores the animal kingdom preyed on the human kingdom for a very long time, causing tremendous slaughtering among men.13 This created a karmic debt for the animal kingdom towards the human kingdom, and the slaughtering and eating of animals by humans takes thus at present place under the law of karma.14 An equilibrium however is being reached and the coming into incarnation of souls that have a different type of karmic relation with animals will contribute to vegetarianism becoming the norm in the new age.15, 16, 17
Now that the eating of animals for humanity at present still takes place under the law of karma does not mean that it is prescribed for every individual. Prescribed diets may differ per individual.18, 19 It may depend upon the qualities of their bodies and upon their cultural setting, but also depend upon their stage in evolution.20 Because where the eating of meat may be part of the diet of average humans and even aspirants in general, this should be abolished by those in training for initiation, by disciples and by initiates.21, 22 The one on the path always seeks to increase the vibration and refinement of his bodies to attune them to the light of the soul,23 and the eating of meat obstructs such an increase.24, 25 Especially those in training for initiation should refrain from eating meat to avoid damage from powerful inpouring energies of high vibration during the initiation.26
With regards to meat there are different classes. Meat from mammals for instance is considered as more harmful than poultry, whereas fish is considered as even less harmful.27 Smoked meats are also more neutral than bloody meats.28 Bloody meat does not only transfer animal emotions to human eaters,29 but it also attracts unagreeable guests from the subtle worlds.30 Besides the eating of meat is on the spiritual path the use of tobacco, alcohol and narcotics also disadviced, unless for medical purposes.31, 32, 33 Eggs and cheese are not recommended for those wanting to develop psychic faculties.34 Goats cheese is considered as better than cows cheese. It contains less fat, and too much fat is disadviced also.35, 36 This goes also for much sugar because it causes much fermentation.37 Coffee and tea are also not considered as helpful.38 Butter and milk do not form part of the ideal spiritual diet, but they are not advised against.39 In fact milk is often prescribed as even beneficial.40 Basically it can be said that for spiritual seekers foods with the qualities of tamas (inertia) and rajas (activity) are disadviced.41, 42 Tamasic foods include decomposing food and rajasic foods include too spicy food.43, 44
Advised then are foods with the quality of sattva (rhythm).45 Such foods include fresh and vitalizing fruits and vegetables, whole grain cereals and rice, and nuts.46, 47 In particular oranges are prescribed. This goes also for vegetables that contact the sun, although for instance potatoes are also mentioned among the suitable foods. Although not being part of the vegetable kingdom and thus not included in the strict ideal are milk and honey also mentioned as suitable.48, 49
Besides right quality also right quantity is deemed of importance in a yogic diet.50 It is advised to eat not too much and not too heavy.51 The human mechanism only needs a little bit of food and people are in general deemed to eat nowadays four times more than required.52, 53
Following the above advices it is indicated that after following a meat diet the body will need three years to adjust to the new vegetarian diet.54 Seven years should be reserved for completing the general refinement of the body.55 And ten years of a strict vegetarian diet is required to be able to work as a psychic with the record aspect of the astral light, also called 'the akashic records'.56 In the larger picture the refining of the physical body is a work that continues incarnation after incarnation,57 until at the reaching of Masterhood the physical body is fully spiritualized with its resurrection and ascension.58, 59, 60
That dietary requirements as above are given to those on the spiritual path does not mean that the seeker should lay his emphasis thereon. The physical body should never become the prime focus of attention.61 It is prescribed to work from the inside towards the outside, which involves the thought that when the mind and emotions are rightly disciplined right conduct on the physical plane will ensue.62, 63 Fanaticism and superiority complexes about dieting hinder a spiritual seeker much more in attaining than an unfitting diet.64, 65 Some fanaticism and over-emphasis on diet will be present when approaching the first initiation, however after that the dietary discipline should become automated.66
May thus the proper diet become an automated part of our discipline.