When available fresh green peas are preferred, however dried ones do well also.
This recipe is rich is spices, so be careful to not overdose them.
The ingredients are fit for about two portions.
- 1 Sweet potato.
- 1 Cup dried green peas (approximately).
- 1 Tomato.
- 1 Spoon ghī or sesame oil.
- ½ Tea spoon finely chopped or grated ginger.
- ½ Teaspoon minced chili pepper (optional).
- ⅛ Teaspoon cumin powder.
- ⅛ Teaspoon caraway powder.
- ⅛ Teaspoon coriander powder.
- ⅛ Teaspoon fennel powder.
- ⅛ Teaspoon bay leaf powder.
- 3 Teaspoons dried grated coconut.
- ⅛ Teaspoon anis powder.
- ⅛ Teaspoon cardamom powder.
- ⅛ Teaspoon cinnamon powder.
- ⅛ Teaspoon clove powder.
- ⅛ Teaspoon nutmeg powder.
- ⅛ Teaspoon black pepper powder.
- ½ Cup water.
- 1 Spoon lemon juice.
- ¾ Teaspoon salt.
- Soak the green peas for at least 8 hours. Wash them and cook them in fresh water untill they are done. Keep them warm on a low flame.
- Peel and wash the sweet potato and cut it into cubes and wash and cut the tomato.
- Heat the ghī or sesame oil, add the ginger, chili, cumin, caraway, coriander, fennel and bay leaf and fry them a few moments.
- Add the sweet potato and fry it a few moments.
- Add the tomato and fry it a few moments.
- Add the water, coconut, anis, cardamom, cinnamon, clove, nutmeg and black pepper and cook until the sweet potato is almost done.
- Add the green peas and cook everything until the sweet potato is fully done and the water is vaporated.
- Reduce the heat, add the salt and stir.