In 'Contemplations, The Christ and the Antichrist' the antichrist was thematized as opposing the Christ. And the Christ there was thematized as the principle of evolution, moving from matter to spirit, and the antichrist then as the principle of involution, moving from spirit to matter.1
The antichrist was there also mentioned as bearing the name 'Lucifer'. And 'Lucifer' was considered as not only the name of the antichrist but also of the planet Venus. On the antichristian involutionary arc, under the influence of Venus, humanity came to self-consciousness. Thus on this arc the antichrist regards the Venusian Lucifer, the light bringer.2
The antichrist is however also called 'Satan', and Satan is in the ageless wisdom not so much related to Venus but rather to Saturn.3 Now Saturn is of course known as the lord of karma. He appears in the life of the human who gains self-consciousness at the lowest point of materialization, where involution crosses into evolution, and he disappears again when the highest point of spiritualization, enlightenment, has been reached.4 Satan then is the attraction of matter when it works on the evolutionary arc, and Lucifer is the attraction of matter when it works on the involutionary arc. It can also be said that Lucifer is involutionary and Satan anti-evolutionary (or devolutionary).
The ageless wisdom acknowledges this Luciferian and Satanic material force to regard the force of the antichrist.5 However it also considers a third aspect of the antichrist, namely that of the destructive power of spirit. It is the work of the Christ principle to adapt forms to the qualities of spirit, and where spirit acts to destroy these forms this action can easily be understood as the antichrist principle.6
Now there are two planets ruling this spirit aspect, namely Vulcan and Pluto.7 Of these two, according to the ageless wisdom, Vulcan is more related to the endurance aspect of spirit, and Pluto more to its destruction aspect.8, 9 Pluto is mythologically also the ruler of death and the underworld, and he is also known as 'Hades'.10 So besides 'Lucifer' in his aspect of material attraction during involution and 'Satan' in his aspect of material attraction during evolution the antichrist may also be called 'Pluto' or 'Hades' in his aspect of spiritual induced death and destruction of the by the Christ principle built forms.
So the antichrist brings as the Venusian Lucifer, working from the matter aspect during involution, humanity the light of self-consciousness, inflicts as the Saturnian Satan, from the matter aspect during evolution, suffering on humanity, and brings as the Plutonian Hades, from the spirit aspect during evolution, death upon the by the Christ built forms that keep humanity's spirit captive.
We see the above visualized in figure 1.
Figure 1: The Christ and the antichrist as Lucifer, Satan and Hades.
Figure 1 makes clear that Lucifer and Satan are material forces and Hades and the Christ spiritual powers, and it shows also that in the full cycle only Satan really goes against the plan of God, for Lucifer follows it and Hades shortcuts it.
This conclusion will suffice for now.