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Hieronder wordt een lijst van publicaties gegeven waarin wordt gerefereerd aan een Arvindus-publicatie. Voor toevoegingen kan Arvindus gecontacteerd worden met het noemen van minstens de auteur, de titel en de uitgever.


  • Imane Bouhmadi, 'Genietbare verschrikking', Atelier ACW, 2014.
  • Tapugao Falefou, 'Toku Tia, Tuvalu and the Impacts of Climate Change', The University of Waikato, Hamilton, 2017.
  • Christian George Gregory, 'The Ne(x)t Generation: The Effect of Technologies on Thought', in: 'Speaking Texts: Communication in the Humanities', Stony Brook Graduate Conference / Columbia University, 2016.
  • Teun de Jager, 'Ezau, de onheilige', Over God en goden, 2017.
  • Davy Oneness, Area: 72, Dielectric Press, 2024.
  • Babalola Opemipo, 'Introduction to Anthropology', Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomosho, 2023 / 2024.
  • Jason Openo, 'The Discourse of Crisis in Liberal Education: Real Emergency or Fake News?' in: Karim Dharamsi / David Ohreen (editors), Between Truth and Falsity: Liberal Education and the Arts of Discernment, Vernon Press, Delaware / Malaga, 2021.
  • Mascha Pet - van Rhee, 'Het bestaan van God bewijzen', Mascha Schrijft, 2015.
  • Leivadioti Styliani, 'Sacred Illumination: The connection between the built form and the history of the modern Swedish Church', KTH Royal Institute of Technology, School of Architecture & the Built Environment, Stockholm, 2020.
  • Patricia E. Symonette Gary, 'Clergy Resiliency: A Theological, Educational, and Psychological Perspective', Columbia Theological Seminary, Decatur, 2020.
  • Professor Jim Ijenwa Unah, Professor Harry Ike Odimegwu (editor), Philosophical Anthropology, National Open University of Nigeria, Abuja.


  • Jos Douma, 'Wat is contemplatie? Een etymologische toelichting', Léven in de Kerk, 2018.
  • Dr. Tanisha Dutta / Akshat Gupta, 'Fractals in Sound Patterns of Sanskrit Mantras and its use in Healing Therapy', in: 'International Journal of Scientific Research', Volume 11, Issue 06, June 2022.