Hieronder wordt een lijst van publicaties gegeven waarin wordt gerefereerd aan een Arvindus-publicatie. Voor toevoegingen kan Arvindus gecontacteerd worden met het noemen van minstens de auteur, de titel en de uitgever.
Imane Bouhmadi, 'Genietbare verschrikking', Atelier ACW, 2014.
Tapugao Falefou, 'Toku Tia, Tuvalu and the Impacts of Climate Change', The University of Waikato, Hamilton, 2017.
Christian George Gregory, 'The Ne(x)t Generation: The Effect of Technologies on Thought', in: 'Speaking Texts: Communication in the Humanities', Stony Brook Graduate Conference / Columbia University, 2016.
Teun de Jager, 'Ezau, de onheilige', Over God en goden, 2017.
Davy Oneness, Area: 72, Dielectric Press, 2024.
Babalola Opemipo, 'Introduction to Anthropology', Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomosho, 2023 / 2024.
- Jason Openo, 'The Discourse of Crisis in Liberal Education: Real Emergency or Fake News?' in: Karim Dharamsi / David Ohreen (editors), Between Truth and Falsity: Liberal Education and the Arts of Discernment, Vernon Press, Delaware / Malaga, 2021.
Mascha Pet - van Rhee, 'Het bestaan van God bewijzen', Mascha Schrijft, 2015.
Leivadioti Styliani, 'Sacred Illumination: The connection between the built form and the history of the modern Swedish Church', KTH Royal Institute of Technology, School of Architecture & the Built Environment, Stockholm, 2020.
Patricia E. Symonette Gary, 'Clergy Resiliency: A Theological, Educational, and Psychological Perspective', Columbia Theological Seminary, Decatur, 2020.
- Professor Jim Ijenwa Unah, Professor Harry Ike Odimegwu (editor), Philosophical Anthropology, National Open University of Nigeria, Abuja.
Jos Douma, 'Wat is contemplatie? Een etymologische toelichting', Léven in de Kerk, 2018.
Dr. Tanisha Dutta / Akshat Gupta, 'Fractals in Sound Patterns of Sanskrit Mantras and its use in
Healing Therapy', in: 'International Journal of Scientific Research', Volume 11, Issue 06, June 2022.